IEYMS Literary Magazine Wins National Recognition
The Isaac E. Young Middle School literary magazine has been recognized as a Publication of Distinction by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
Stacked up against 375 student magazines from middle and high schools, as well as higher education institutions in 46 states and five countries, the magazine, titled “Resist, Refuse, Restore, Reclaim Art and Literary Journal,” earned the achievement in the Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) contest for the NTCE.
“It is so exciting for us and the whole student body,” said Filomena Daniele, who is the faculty advisor on the magazine with Isabel Maldonado.
“We are proud to represent our students on their journey of authenticity and empowerment,” said Ms. Maldonado.
About 25 students in grades six, seven, and eight worked on the magazine, collating, editing, and designing the 32-page publication, which features a selection of student poetry and art.
“In addition to the incisive and creative contributions of our editor, Ryan Birmingham, creative editors, Yuderlin Santana and Samantha Lopez, and student staff members, we ask the art and English teachers to send us extraordinary student work to be considered for inclusion,” said Ms. Daniele.
The theme of the 2023 Art and Literary Journal “reflects the sometimes quiet, but always powerful activism inside of each of our amazing students,” the magazine states in a foreword. “The four R’s – resistance, refusal, restoration, and finally reclamation – represent our students’ journey toward empowerment and a demand for change in a world that does not always represent them.”
Although it has been published for decades, this is the first time the school has entered REALM. “We were encouraged to enter by our amazing Humanities chairperson, Beatrice Lopez,” said Ms. Daniele.
“It is a great joy to witness the artistic and literary expression of our incredible Isaac E. Young Middle School students and fantastic faculty being nationally recognized and honored,” said Chairperson Lopez. “Our kids are amazing and their brilliance is harnessed and guided by terrific teachers like Ms. Daniele and Ms. Maldonado.”
The award-winning magazine can be seen at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ7xqkSz7y2DRNiw2P7yAZKF9toZJH-3ZptR5JeS6krC10EbMOvn97OkAbMkRv4h2n2d1UErnmRbz2x/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=5000&slide=id.g129e5096edf_0_8. The 2023 Isaac E. Young Literary Magazine cover features artwork by Nuria Pereiria, now a freshman at the high school.