Calendar of Events
Black Heritage Concert
Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra
Sunday, February 9 at 3pm
Saunders Trades and Technical High School, 183 Palmer Road, Yonkers
Free Concert — All Are Welcome
Pre-Concert Talk with Maestro Rudiakov
To learn more, visit www.yonkersphilharmonic.org
February 2025 Events at the
New Rochelle Public Library
February Vacation Week Programs for Children
Tuesday – Friday, February 18 -21
Morning programs begin at 11:00 am
Afternoon programs begin at 2:00 pm
Children and their caregivers are in for a fun-filled week of activities at New Rochelle Public Library. Each day during the February vacation week children can come to the library for music, crafts, special performances including Move and Groove with Miss Jolie, a magic show with Myron the Magnificent, music with Robert the Guitar Guy, and stories and music with International Storyteller/Singer, Therese Folkes Plair.
Gentle Yoga
Saturdays, February 8, 15, 22
10:30 – 11:45 am
Join us for a gentle yoga class with breathing (pranyama) and movement (asana) led by Tere Yogi. Please bring your own mat. Registration is strongly suggested. Space is limited. Register online at bit.ly/YogaFeb2025 or by calling (914) 813-3706. For Adults (ages 17 yrs. and older) Location: Meeting Room (1st Floor)
Math Tutoring for Teens by Teens
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays
Times vary by day
Teens are invited to drop in for one-on-one assistance from a fellow teen. Location: Teen Study Room (2nd Floor). Details can be found at https://bit.ly/MathTutoring_Feb2025
Bokandeye Dance Workshop
Saturdays, February 8, 15 @ 3:30 – 4:30 pm
February 22 @ 1:30 – 3:00 pm
In celebration of Black History Month, join us for a 6 -week African Dance workshop where participants will learn basic traditional West African dance movements, some which date back to the 13th century Old Mali Empire. The workshop will culminate in a final performance for the public on Saturday, February 22 at 3:30 pm. Location: Ossie Davis Theater
Appropriate for children, teens and adults. All ages are encouraged to participate. Registration requested at bit.ly/Bokandeye_2025
Chair Yoga
Mondays, February 10, 24
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 26
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Conquer stress and fatigue, and infuse your day with renewed energy and focus with a gentle yet invigorating session of chair yoga. No need to change clothing or lie on a mat. Space is limited; first come-first-served. FREE! Location: 1st Floor Meeting Room/Ossie Davis Theater
Multilevel Yoga
Mondays, February 10, 24
6:15 – 7:45 pm
Join us for a multilevel yoga class with breathing (pranayamas) and relaxations (yoga nidra) led by Tere Yogi. Please bring your own mat. Registration is strongly suggested. Space is limited. Register online at https://bit.ly/YogaFeb2025 or by calling (914) 813-3706. For Adults (ages 17 yrs. and older) Location: 1st Floor Meeting Room/Ossie Davis Theater
Job Search Coach
Mondays, February 10, 24
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Are you searching for a job and don’t know where to start? Have you been applying for lots of jobs but not getting responses? Our experienced Job Readiness Coach, Rebecca Mazin, will be available to help patrons prepare for a job search, as well as meeting in person with those patrons seeking guidance and assistance with: Resume review, Cover letter review, Job Search Direction, Interview Practice. Drop in. Free. Location: HELP & Learning Center. If you’d like to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with Rebecca, you can email her at: jobreadinesscoach@gmail.com
NEW! Tween Gaming
Wednesdays, February 5, 12 and 16
4:30 – 5:30 pm
Come chill out with old friends and new to play video or board game Location: Children’s Room
Norman Rockwell’s America: The Westchester Years
Thursday, February 6, 6:30 pm
The images of America’s most popular illustrator, Norman Rockwell, have been reproduced more than those of any other artist. His perfectly detailed portrayals of Americana illustrated 322 Saturday Evening Post covers, 49 Boy Scout calendars and dozens of other periodicals, children’s books and advertisements. He was the master illustrator of life in America. For the first 25 years of his formidable career, his America was New Rochelle, where he lived and worked. In celebration of Rockwell’s birthday on February 3, join us for an illustrated digital slideshow, presented by WCHS Executive Director and New Rochelle’s City Historian, Barbara Davis, who will discuss the great illustrator’s early years in Mamaroneck, and the two and half decades he spent in New Rochelle. Location: Ossie Davis Theater. Registration requested at bit.ly/Rockwell_02_2025
Friday Night Concert Series: The Ray Blue Ensemble
Friday, February 7, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Celebrate Black History Month at New Rochelle Public Library with a mesmerizing evening of jazz performed by The Ray Blue Ensemble filled with authenticity, sincerity, and a lively swing. Ray Blue, a charismatic saxophonist and composer, is a celebrated performer who, along with his ensemble of talented musicians, captures the hearts of minds of his listeners. Don’t miss this evening of captivating music filled with passion and creativity. Location: Ossie Davis Theater. Registration is strongly suggested. Register at bit.ly/NRPL_RayBlue_Feb2025 or call (914) 813-3706.
Days to Paws and Relax for Teens in Grades 6-12
Monday, February 10
Wednesday, February 12, 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Stressed out? Need to relax? Take a moment to pause and relax with certified therapy dogs Izzy and Milo. Free snacks and drinks (while supplies last.) Drop in. Location: Teen Room
Brown Bag Book Club: Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
Tuesday, February 11, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
A librarian-led book discussion. Newcomers welcome. A supply of the book to be discussed is available to borrow from the first floor hold shelf. Drop in. This month’s book is Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. Location: Administrative Conference Room (3G)
Tween Book Club Discussion: The War That Saved My Life
by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Tuesday, February 11, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Join us for snacks, trivia, and to chat about this month’s book club pick, The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. Registration for each discussion begins four weeks before each discussion date. The first 10 registrants will be given a free copy of the book! Register by calling 914-813-3716 or visiting the Desk in the Children’s Room. Location: 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Memoir Writing Workshop
Tuesdays, February 18 and 25
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Many of us want to share our story. Sometimes it’s just for family, sometimes it’s for the world. Writing a memoir can be an exciting, fun, and transformative journey. Whether you’ve already begun writing, have a story in mind, or are still exploring ideas, this workshop will focus on the craft of memoir writing, gaining valuable tools to help you shape your narrative into the best it can be. Location: 2nd Floor Meeting Room. Space is limited. Registration is required. Registering for the first session will automatically register the participant for all four sessions; once registered, participants must attend all four sessions. Register at bit.ly/NRPL_Memoir_FebMar2025
Bokandeye African Dance Performance
Saturday, February 22, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Celebrate Black History Month at NRPL. Children and adults will be thrilled and enlightened by the rich and colorful history of West Africa through dance, rhythm, song and theater. A collage of traditional rhythms and dances from the Senegambia Region of West Africa will be brilliantly staged and choreographed to tell the stories and folklore of the ancient African Villages. Location: Ossie Davis Theater
Visit nrpl.org for more events
Adult Art Workshop: Library Love Collage Art
Thursday, February 27
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Show your love for books and the Library with a collage project inspired by the vibrant styles of Eric Carle and Lois Ehlert. Create a heartfelt work of art that celebrates Library Lovers Month. . All materials provided. Drop in. Location: Community Gallery
Red Cross Blood Drive
Friday, February 28
11:30 am – 3:30 pm
Prospective donors are currently being sought by the American Red Cross for this upcoming blood drive.
Please visit bit.ly/NRPL_BloodDrive or call 1-800-RED-CROSS to register. Refreshments are provided! Donors should bring a photo I.D. and allow an hour to complete the donation. Location: Meeting Room/Ossie Davis Theater