Wilfredo Melendez, P.E.
From the Office of the Acting City Manager
Dear Neighbors,
As we begin the fall season, this column reviews some of our main projects underway, along with some reminders and a lookahead to upcoming programming.
Food Scraps Recycling Program begins: As part of our ongoing commitment to promote sustainability and reduce waste sent to landfills, I am proud to announce that we have opened two locations to drop off food scraps: Pinebrook Tennis Center and D’Onofrio Park. This initiative removes food scraps from the solid waste stream and offers residents a convenient way to recycle. Additionally, compost bin kits and compostable bags are now available for purchase at the Public Works office at City Hall. You can learn more at newrochelleny.com/foodscraps
Organic Waste Transfer Station now open to commercial landscapers: The new facility features an electronic scale to streamline the disposal process. More information on how to get a new permit and begin dumping is online at newrochelleny.com/beechwood.
Tree Inventory underway: Over the next few months, the City of New Rochelle will be conducting a comprehensive Street Tree Inventory and Community Forest Management Plan. Our contractor Arbor Pro is currently mapping and collecting data on New Rochelle’s over 20,000 street trees citywide to identify each tree’s location, species, size and condition. The data will be used to help us expand our urban forest and address forest health issues, and help us in the creation of a Forest Management Plan. Details are on the City website newrochelleny.com/treeinventory
The LINC: In September, the City Council received an update on the LINC, an innovative project that will promote economic growth and reconnect our diverse communities from the Lincoln Avenue corridor south to the downtown through the creation of a linear park and public open space. Neighborhood meetings will begin this month. Learn more at engagenr.com/theLINC
Flood Mitigation projects continue: In addition to our smaller drainable projects and expanded catch basin cleaning schedule Citywide, projects are underway at Carpenters Pond, Whitewood Avenue & Pelham Road, and at a number of drainage sites including Gail Drive, Rockwood Place, Hillside Crescent and Oakdale Avenue and Primrose Lane. The City website newrochelleny.com/flooding has more information on these projects as well as resources for property owners.
Affordable Housing Lottery: Applications are now being accepted for apartments at 500 Main Street, through mid-October. Get more information at newrochelleny.com/housing, where you can also learn about the City’s generous Down Payment Assistance Program that assists first time home buyers with up to 19% of the purchase price.
Westchester Power mailing: If you are a New Rochelle resident or small businesses currently supplied electricity by Westchester Power, you should have received a mailing from Sustainable Westchester about a new municipal energy supply program beginning November 1 that provides access to renewable energy at competitive fixed rates. Customers are encouraged to learn more about the program, including how to opt out and how to choose between 100% or 50% Renewable Energy. More information is available at sustainablewestchester.org, or by calling Sustainable Westchester at (914) 242-4725 or emailing wp@sustainablewestchester.org
Fall events: Our departments are working hard to create and coordinate special events that keep New Rochelle as the ideal place to live, work and grow. In October we can look forward to the NRPD’s Touch a Truck at Hudson Park, Todora Golf Outing at Wykagyl Country Club, Scarecrows on the Sound at Davenport Park and Fall-o-Ween at Five Islands Park, as well as community events like the New Rochelle Council on the Arts ArtsFest, Hudson Park Children’s Museum Wildcliff Haunted Mansion and Ward Acres Howl-o-ween pet event. Plus, a new event is in the works: a family-friendly fall fest focusing on our environmental initiatives in celebration of Earth Day’s half birthday. Our website community calendar has information on all these and more: newrochelleny.com/events
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at (914) 654-2140.